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Dandelion Wish

Dandelion Wish

The dandelion may be heralded as some for being nothing more than a garden weed, but folklore says something rather different. The pretty little flower, and particularly the seeds, have for centuries been known as a tool for divination and wish making!


Dandelion Folk Lore

It was back in 1830, in East Anglia, that a folklore came about said that the number of breathes it took to blow all of the seeds was the number of years that it would be before you get married.

You have all heard of “love me, love me not” haven't you? I used to play this game when I was young. You try to blow the seeds off, and if only a few or none remained then you could be happy knowing that you were loved.

Dandelions have also been used to divine the time (presumably before watches were invented!) and as a rather useful natural barometer. It's true! When the seeds are at their fluffy and feathery stage, the dandelion opens up in good weather, and will close right up if there is any chance of a storm. Interesting stuff!


The Power Of The Dandelion Wish

One of the most romantic and appealing folklores about dandelions, is that the seeds can carry your thoughts and wishes. The stories are often of love. You would charge the seeds with nice thoughts, and blow them off in the wind to your loved ones.

 Are these folklores really so crazy? We work with the power of intention all of the time, and the dandelion seed is a natural way to empower your wishes, and to send them off into the universe!


The Dandelion Wish Necklace

This fantastic contains real dandelion seeds within a delicate glass ball, and finished with a plated silver chain. You can empower the necklace with your wishes and intentions, and carry them with you as an empowering reminder that can help you to make them a reality.



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